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About us / Philosophy

What to expect when you open an account with Opentracker:

Best-of-breed statistical tracking solutions with an emphasis on client support.

about opentracker - snapshot

Opentracker specialises in tracking and website analytics for businesses that are serious about understanding online customers. We build tools to help businesses make informed advertising and content management decisions and develop investment strategies.

By storing millions of user profiles and clickstreams, webmasters using Opentracker receive access to unparalleled historical visitor data in a concise, user-friendly format.

Our flagship service, Opentracker.net, was launched in January 2003 and offers interface services in Swedish, German, Dutch and Russian. Additional language services will follow.

Following a year of intense research and development, in February Opentracker launched its revamped software platform, OT 2.0, with a new database and interface. The upgrade was based on feedback from over 100 webmasters and marketing professionals who use Opentracker on a daily basis.

Opentracker is set to become a leading contender in website analytics, now an essential tool in online marketing. On today’s internet, very few competitive webmasters work without website tracking.

Opentracker employs three full time staff members out of its offices in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Chief Operating Officer Eddie Moojen spent several years developing Opentracker’s powerful OT software platform.

Director of Technology Wart Fransen oversees system maintenance, technology integration and database services. Director of Communications Cralan Deutsch heads up technical support, communications, and corporate relations operations.


Company profile

Opentracker.net, began its life at the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The program has been in development since 2001.

The company went online with its tracking services in January 2003.

Opentracker provides quality website statistics measurement and visitor tracking services. Our specializations are:

  • long-term unique visitor tracking
  • search term analysis
  • live click-stream reporting

The company was founded by a talented programmer who enlisted the help of a colleague with a graphic design firm. This team came up with an innovative way to see who is on a website in real-time. They were joined by a third member with a background in development and communications.

Opentracker’s mission is to provide high quality traffic analysis software that is intuitive and as simple as possible to install and use.

The envisaged goal is to create efficient feedback loops between web surfers and site managers. The idea is to take a step further towards the task of making the internet an interactive place where traffic patterns determine website content.


Feedback-driven service

Opentracker believes in constant development. We believe that customer feedback should determine direction, and aim to provide an example of this philosophy.

Practically speaking, this means that statistics must be considered as more than just numbers. The stats must become information upon which decisions are based: the data must provide a clear path of action.

Website content should be determined by traffic patterns. We propose to facilitate this process by engineering feedback loops between webmasters and internet surfers.

The metaphor is a place in which roads open and close, are expanded and shut, according to how many people drive over them.

As a company, Opentracker aims to provide quality services for people interested in both collecting statistics, and learning what to do with that information.

Our goal is to be a leader in the field of presenting website traffic data in easy-to-understand graphics. Our technical goal is to make technology feel less so.

Opentracker.net is developing a system which provides customized recommendations based on site usage and click-stream analysis. This information is presented in direct and accessible language.

We would very much like to hear from you.



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