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Press release

Opentracker available in more languages


February 21, 2005

Opentracker Communications Department

EINDHOVEN, Netherlands - Opentracker, a leader in advanced tracking and web statistics services, today announces the launch of product interface in Swedish, German, Dutch, and Russian.

The first foreign-language support was made available today, to coincide with the release of OT 2.0, a long-awaited upgrade of Opentracker's statistics application. The upgrade incorporated a year of development and feedback from over 100 marketing professionals and webmasters.

Users of Opentracker can view statistics and reports in the language of their choice.

Opentracker plans to take Japanese and Spanish-language sites online in the spring, and is preparing to add additional Asian languages.

"Offering our services in these important languages will open the doors to vast new markets," Opentracker Chief of Operations Eddie Moojen said. "The web doesn't have national borders, so neither should we. This is a major step in that direction."

Opentracker is also in negotiations to create services in several Asian markets.

Opentracker went online in February 2003 and has rapidly become a leading contender in website analytics, now an essential tool in online marketing. The company is based in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Opentracker stores millions of user profiles and clickstreams, giving webmasters access to unparalleled historical visitor data in a clear and accessible format.

Media queries can be directed to: press@opentracker.net

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